We have always been leaders in adopting the latest technology and ideas whether it is in equipment, materials, process methods, quality standards, or the speed of delivery. We strive to deliver reliable, quick-turn PCBs without compromising the quality you expect from us. Whether it is ROHS complaint, Electrolytic Gold over Nickel Plating, ENIG finishes over standard FR4, high-temperature FR4 laminates, or exotic materials like Rogers, our experts are here to deliver it to you on time.
We know that time is money and so time-to-market is everything in today’s fast-paced electronics industry…. You want to see your design tested quickly, hence we offer a turn-around time of 24hrs. on PCB prototypes. We constantly upgrade our processes and equipment and conitnuously train our team on the latest innovations to serve you with cutting-edge technology resulting in consistent quality, on-time delivery, and exceptional service!
Our engineers can help you select the right materials and recommended how they should be stacked up. Our Capabilities include Design for Manufacturability(DFM), the ability to handle a variety of materials, complex designs, and stack-ups-all under one roof!
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